Monday, May 30, 2005

God's Wrath Revisited

Sure, it doesn't exactly look like the end. Houses are still standing proud, everybody seems to be here – nothing especially out of the ordinary. But, as we know, looks, and people, can be deceiving. The Word, indeed the Words, can not be disputed. I tried this morning, over toast, and he's right. If there is any doubt left in your mind, this will put the final nail into the crucifix of disbelief.

"People would mock about the last days and not believe."
"At the time of the end, there would be famines in various places."
That's odd. At the time of the beginning, there was also famine in various places. Come to think of it, there was lots of famine in the middle as well. But what do I know?
"The Gospel must be published in all the world"
Wait a minute, that's not a prophecy! That's an instruction – next.
"People would be taking drugs"
Right again.
"In the last days, people would be hoarding gold and silver."
Then the writer added, "True. It began in the late 1970’s."

"As you go forth in faith to do the work of the Lord, people will persecute you. They may call you names and try to make you feel bad. They may threaten to kill you and make false accusations against you."
Uh oh. This isn't going to be the bed of roses I'd envisaged. They're going to threaten to kill me?

Ho Hum at long last.


Ben said...

Looking at this, it's actually one of the worst arguments I've seen against the whole dealie. Worthy of Fox TV.

I do pine for the days when Lemon Party was the worst we'd seen, though.

Hugh said...

It's so ill-thought and scatter-shot it ceases to be an argument. But it was just a base overreaction to the shock of, or whatever it was.

This is the sort of early-blog horrendousness which continues to haunt me; I don't want to be associated with this guy. It very much explains its current form.