Thursday, July 21, 2005

Virgin Rail

A pier or something, I dunno.
"Sex ranks below friendship."
"I'd rather have a good friend then sex any day."
"That's because you can't get any."
"Sex is nothing. I can't stand the thought"
"You've never had it, have you?"
"That's beside the point."
"The thought of luring a woman to bed with compliments in some hazy bar repulses me."
"A fear of rejection, I see."
"No, a fear of compromising my principles."
"What about when you want kids or something?"
"Well of course. I just don't believe in casual sex."
"Prefer to do it on your own?"
"Har har. It's just that sex causes so many problems. Lust has nothing to do with love."
"Not even when you are in love?"
"But then it becomes a weird love/lust hybrid."
"Have you ever been in love?"
"Not really."
"Then how can you say?"
"I observe."
"Have you even had a girlfriend?"
"Well there was this girl when I was 4..."
"And since then?"
"Well it's hard to say."
"Kind of."
"Why not?"
"It's hard to find the right person. It takes time."
"You've got sixty more years, give or take."
"Plenty of time, then."
"Yes. Plenty of lonely nights."
"As I said: I don't need sex. It doesn't mean anything to me; it's hollow, trivial and destructive. Many great minds have been ruined by its grip."
"Do you wanna fuck or not?"
"All right."

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