Friday, July 15, 2005


Translated text... I have some problems there... I don't want to miss out on foreign language works completely... But I'll always feel... In the back of my head... That it's somehow been compromised... I'm unwilling to learn any more languages... One is enough for now... So I'll never know... Just how much influence the translator has had on the text... No language... As far as I know... Has the same structure as English... Which means that the whole rhythm of the text... Of the language... Will be lost when... Translated... Slavishly worded... Plot-based... Things like this will have no trouble... Being translated... But those which care for the sound of the sentence... Where it's integral to the plot... Where it flows... These will be compromised... Compromised by the translator... Who will... Try... Attempt to... Translate the flow... And... In... The... Process... The text... Whatever it is... Will be changed... And then... In that circumstance... In those circumstances... The book... Story... Poem... Will be essentially... In essence... Co-written by the translator... A good translator... Will have to do this... While a bad translator... Who cares not for how it reads... Will be the faithful one... That said... That's what I said... You can still get an idea... A feel... For these... Works... Where it all falls flat... In Futility... For only curiosity's sake... Is where... Poetry... All about the language... Is concerned... You can... Find out... About... Technique... Their techniques... Imagery... Symbolism... But the whole beauty... Of the form... Of the language... Of the rhythm... Of the movement... Will be lost... Bad Translators will try to re-write the... Feel... And end up... Rewriting the poem itself... A small solution is... Available... In which... You... Whoever... Has a copy of the translated poem... And the poem in the original language... Depending on the language... Depending on the original language... It may have to be written phonetically... So you get what the words mean... And you get their sound... Still... It's not ideal... It will never be... The same... As reading it... In its own language...

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