Friday, May 05, 2006

My Grand Opening

Henceforth, I'll cut cloth at least once a day, or equivalent of. Those last few boasts were just to test the waters. Now 'ere I am, ready to slice my belly and spill my guts — no doubt in the shape of 'What I did on the weekend' variations — onto your carpet eyes, and bidding you to take a good long peek at my grand opening and remember it as the start of the New Wave. Of course, prior experience may have filled you to the brim with cynicism, but I assure that from here on in, I will endeavor to drink every last drop of doubt that sweats off your collective skin.

Now that I have a contemporary, I can kick into first gear and roar off down the gravel strip waving a five-fingered salute to the back of my spoiler. I'll be even faster than that Indian. And no matter how many stops you make, you won't be able to crawl out of the pit of second place and below, and you'll be stuck a greasy hobo until you heave up enough evil to have me shredded.

Off I go.


Anonymous said...

You should put yourself on your own list. But then again due to.. stuff you'd always be in first or last place.
Why does the verification thingy have a disabled symbol next to it? Do i have to vacate my desk chair if someone in a wheelchair needs to catch the train?

Hugh said...

Well, Harry, it's quite simple. If you had clicked on that little symbol, it would have played a recording of a code, which, presumably, you can type in there. I suppose it's for all those blind people who read blogs. Or those who can't decipher the word verification letters, but know to press that little symbol. Anyway, I just typed the number they said then. Let's see if it worked. Hmm. Yup, it did.

Hugh said...

Oh and fittingly it sounds like it was recorded on a train.

Hugh said...

At least unassisted they couldn't. And if they had an assistant, he or her could simply type the word verification thing in. Brilliant.