Friday, August 12, 2005

More Things About Buildings and God

I don't even think there's much point in mentioning Gods. We may as well just knuckle down and find a spouse — because really, that's all there is to it. It makes no difference whether there's something out there or not — unless, of course, one of them has a personal vendetta against you. In my lowly opinion, too many people have wasted their lives entertaining the promise of Heaven, and considering life as just a means to an end that has to be endured.

The defining factor in all this is the simple fact that atheism (and, I guess, agnosticism) doesn't actually affect your life. With, for instance, Christianity, you have to turn up to Church every Sunday, follow some narrow-minded rules, and, in the more devout areas, sacrifice your happiness so you can serve the man upstairs. I know what I'd rather believe. Another advantage of atheism is that its fundamentals can't be misconstrued and used as a pretext for war — or something equally bad. There's no danger of someone using it for political advantage or social upheaval. And I can't really picture an atheist suicide bomber.

Gods are irrelevant to how we live our lives. Anyway, this is just me repeating the same points over and over again, so I'll make tracks.

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