Monday, July 11, 2005

Wise Words from a Child Abused

Oddly enough, someone got the impression that I was abused as a child. What does that say about me? His explanation for why he thought this way was that my nihilistic viewpoints were common among people who were abused as a child. I also mentioned in passing a theoretical example about a child abuser who went overseas to help people in need which no doubt got the ball rolling in his head.

Jumping to these conclusions, he advised me to seek psychological help. And, while I didn't do that, I did take suitable inspiration to use a new pick-up line at the Grand Hotel.
"Hi, I'm Hugh. People think I was abused as a child."
"Really?" the brunette combination of startling features would say.
"Yes. I wasn't, though."
"Oh. Pity."
"Yes it is. Well, bye."

So what it boils down to is this: I get all the benefits of a man who was abused as a child, but without the emotional anguish that comes with actually being abused as a child. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so hasty in setting the record straight.

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