Saturday, March 11, 2006

Tuba Cheeks

People, I have noticed, are only truly alive when their hearts are beating and their brains work, otherwise they may as well be dead. But this distinction, for whatever reason, does not apply to the exempt, so you can't just use it as a casual aside without boring your audience with a lengthly footnote. Well, you can, but I'd advise against it.

Have you ever seen a flower vomit? That's 'cause they can't. But if they could, I envisage it resembling a myriad of off-white colours gushing from its weird genitals and glinting handsomely in the sun. Well, it's the same with people. Hearts + brains = people. Oh, and white = not really a colour. If this all seems a tad odd, it's because I'm writing this on a train, and spray paint coupled with the terror of being caught doesn't add up to the most coherent of thought brews. As a cover up, that's akin to urinating in a puddle, but I thought I should point it out anyway.

How cool are those books that end with "The Beginning"?

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