Friday, May 20, 2005

Woman of Hurtful Descent

Is, in a place so becoming, there any point — any reason? Miss? Entering the mind, the motivations, of one who takes obvious pleasure in poorly-worded spite is a dangerous game. Indeed one must certainly stoop to their level to garner even a two-word response — a somewhat contrived excuse, I know.

Purposely trying to be hurtful is something hard to understand. I do it regularly, but I at least try to make it slightly vague. You? You? Well, I'm not too sure about you. While your clumsy jabs never actually sting, it is, as has been said on many an occasion, the thought that counts. But considering your country of origin, it's perfectly understandable. And yes, I'm perfectly aware where your tongue lies; but that, as of now, is irrelevant.

An obvious hoax lay at the bottom of this bowl. It, as with my contribution, caused this whole soup to bubble over into an annoying ring-match. At the personal, I did not aim. And it was harmless enough up to a point. But you, with all your worldly-wisdom, decided to satisfy your smallest red third. Again I'll point out that this was all a bit of a giggle for you (and indeed for me — those Bush-esque word creations certainly brought a smile) but there are still some strange things in your skull.

This post, if it ever finds its way to your office, will no doubt add ammunition to your cannon. So I'll stand in the middle of that field and wave a few times until you hit me.


Hugh said...

The first? Bugger. Not even Hugh And The Dead-Beats?

Hugh said...

Hurray. What was I referring to though – I'm not even too sure myself.

Ben said...

In hindsight, I'd say the bickering with Buttercup.

Hugh said...

Actually, the one thing I remember is that it wasn't anything to do with that.