Monday, May 09, 2005

Second Time Round

Well, I'm back. I felt compelled to add something more substantial to site. Now let's see... All right, as you all probably know, people in power — at least 103% of them — are more often then not mean, unintelligent and ruthless. How's that for vague? The solution to this whole mess (subjective, I know) is to put the disinterested in power. We could also put the uninterested in power, but that wouldn't necessarily help matters. Unfortunately for us, disinterested people are somewhat of a rarity. It is, after all, impossible to be completely disinterested. But if we do, in fact, find such a creature, we would need him or her to be without opinion on every matter — which, as you no doubt know, is utterly, utterly impossible. Which means I'm just another person offering naive views to the choir. So let's just settle for Everybody's Wrong.

And so, as he passed through the doors, he was greeted almost warmly with a few nods of acknowledgement from the people therein. This was certainly enough to keep him almost happy throughout the day and almost without resentment at the thought of going back again tomorrow. It wasn't, however, enough to make him drink the appalling instant coffee with his workmates.


Ben said...

Somebody wiser than myself once said that the best people to put into power are the ones smart enough to actively avoid it.
Of course, that would be a bastard of a thing to put into effect, but here we are.

Hugh said...

What on Earth are you doing back here, you little spammer?

Ben said...

Selling these fine leather jackets.

Hugh said...

Oh. Carry on.

Ben said...
