Friday, October 27, 2006

Soft Poster Boy

Certain marital complications have led me to the conclusion of that there cliff, over which I happened to have fallen, and below which I now sit. And certain uncertaintities in regards to above matter have led me into the wilderness of the outwardly-loined halves of the human equation, somewhere I'd spent the best part of forty years avoiding. Like its creators, it's not a pretty place — Sticky and Diffuse, to name a fuse. But my habitating of it was, of course, inevitable.

Sometimes I feel a bear, who, after losing out in the mating stakes, has resigned to fates of permanent sleep, leaving little time to feel back. But I certainly don't growl like one, and, while on occasion mistaken, I'm not Gecko-Roman — at least not inversely. Mainly I'm just a Soul-Searching, inwardly motivated sock-stuffer, destined, as I am, to suffer. Oh dear, what am I? What've I become? What's my lot? Oh, I'm just a nobody— Quick! I must write this down. The world must know!

1 comment:

Hugh said...

Yes, but we're diverting.