Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ghost Talk

As certain upstairs apparitions have recommended, I could just keep stamp-throwing conclusive helloes — in other words (4), vague pleas — Please! — for Response — in the hope they have the desire-effect, but that runs the risk of coming off a pitying pap, and would betray my effervescence cool, which, logically, should dictate utter non-shallots over the matter,--- Dear sir or madam, this is being writ as both a Hallo and a G'bye, just in case one comes to be more apt, so you, dear, have the matter in your court. What It concerns, is, I'm sure you know, unneeding of explanation. Neverthelesser, Human Relations seems to have hid its secrets well, from me most of all, and that sudden cliff-edge silence has, for the second (and even third) time, left me barking up the tree of the Soul— Is it too much to plead to plead one small sentence? On any matter, of course, dear, although an explanatory one would ease moi the moist, particularly as a final. Oh woe, what did I do?,--- So, you see the problem? You can't just moon about with words like those. If spots were switched, I'd treat it like canned-meat — as in something I'd sooner delete than eat — and never again stick so much as an eyeball into the matter. But what is the matter? (With me? How much time have we got?)

I've bin scuffing my head for reasons, but I can't stumble 'cross the right Juan. It's really got me baffling. Was I too bold? Was I too c-ruel? What could it possibly be, wonders me. The No-Gos I hang with? My Scarlet Lady frequenting? What? What? ——————— Q. in the hall. How does one word such a thing?---: Dear, dear. Hey! Yours sincere:— Obvious, you know. But there is no way without having to say Bye Bye Pride. Exclamatory optional. D'ya notice my cleaver use of thick-blacks above?: A less sensitive me would now say all of 'em are thick; but I'd add all everyones are too,—— Thick is what makes me me and you you. What a dirty mind! What controversy! Outrageous — Did he, I mean Did he, just say that? Some would argue that despite its underlier, it's noting it that be the worst. Ah. What's that a-hangin' from my Akubra®? Why, it's a cork: Please, once more, indulge my Ghost Talk™.


Timothy Randall said...

I indulge

Hugh said...

You do?

Hugh said...

I'm willing to take to the icy tide without warm whiskey — perhaps just a bottom-of-the-pot coffee or a spoonful of tea leaves.