Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Still Life, Love and Rubbishy Prose

Photography – taking photos and all that – is a troubled medium. As a creative form, I like it; but it's too often destroyed by idiots. What grates me particularly is the set-ups. Those photographers who hire people and place them in brooding positions 'neath some towering bridge are the ones who are slowly but surely tearing apart this medium. There's something so fake, so contrived about those photos. In my opinion (worth little) you should never need to fake anything in a photo. Either you do a simple portrait, free of influence, or you snap real things in the street. The real photographic geniuses are the ones who never needed to fake their shots. The fact that these people actually need to set up their photos is a real problem. Photography doesn't hold up to contrivances.

On the off chance that a locally renowned photographer is reading this, I suggest you (the photographer) scrap your perverse, voyeuristic interpretations of teenage angst (presumedly rendered in sharp monochrome) and become a hermit or, at least, a rock.


Hugh said...


Hugh said...

Incidentally, it would be best to disregard all my early posts of this ilk. All I can do is cringe.